The OFFICE of the PASSION of St. Francis of Assisi
The Geste of the Great King: Office of the Passion of St. Francis
by Laurent Gallant, OFM, and André Cirino, OFM,
TAU Publishing

Josef Raischl composed melodies for the entire Office (available as a CD). Two artists, Marc Lisle and Christine Cavalier, illuminated the manuscript, producing artistic linkages between the written text and the iconic text of the San Damiano Crucifix.
“To pray as Francis prayed, to use his own words and arrangement of Scripture in his Office of the Passion is an enriching experience for anyone in the Franciscan family. The addition of easily learned music adds to the spiritual depth of this composition. Through it, I have learned to see Christ the way Francis saw him.”
Joseph Schwab, OFM, Director, Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ

“The book is an illuminating arrangement of Scripture and art that connects one deeply with the prayer life of St. Francis and his bonding with the life of Christ the Hero. The workshop is superbly organized and fully explains how to pray this powerfully spiritual book.”
Mary and Anthony Mazotti OFS, San Jose, CA